My Works
Hydrogen Technology
EVs vs FCEVs
This is why EV manufacturers should see FCEVs as a healthy competitor rather than something that’s unnecessary…

Can you fly with hydrogen?
The straight answer to this question is yes, you can fly using hydrogen. But why should we do this? It is because of the carbon dioxide released

Can space be the next medium of transport?
Transportation has played an important role in the development of human civilization ever since the wheel was invented. Today there are three common…

Can you decarbonize ‘Thomas & Friends?’
Decarbonization refers to the process of reducing man-made carbon dioxideemissions from the environment. CO2 is a greenhouse gas and when released intothe atmosphere in large quantities leads to global warming which then triggers alot of environmental hazards. What does this mean to the steam loc…

Hydrogen as a sustainable solution to gas flaring
Hydrogen is seen all over the globe as a sustainable solution to tacklingclimate change, clean manufacturing, and transport. Apart from this long-termgoal hydrogen is also seen as a solution to reducing flaring gas emissions whichhas turned into the biggest threat to climate change globally. This…

Hydrogen as a sustainable solution to green steel making
On average globally, for every tonne of steel produced 1.9 tonnes of CO2 arebeing emitted, accounting for about 5% of the global CO2 emissions. Apart fromthese 2.8 million tonnes of CO2 is being emitted through the energy used in theiron and steel industry. This has

NASA’s Integrated Refrigeration and Storage system (IRaS) for cryogenic hydrogen
Hydrogen as a fuel is rapidly gaining attraction all around the globe as an alternative to carbon-based fuels. One of the major challenges in using hydrogen is its lower volumetric density making it harder to store and transport it under ambient conditions. One of the most promising and mature solut…

The HRS infrastructure
Just like current petroleum refuelling stations that currently keep the transportation sector active, Hydrogen Refuelling Station (HRS) also plays a major role in the emission-free transport of the future. Hydrogen refuelling stations are also an important part of the future hydrogen industry and a…

Why Hydrogen?
If renewable energies can directly be used to produce electricity efficiently and effectively rather than producing hydrogen why should renewables be used to produce hydrogen?

Hydrogen Fundamentals
With global warming like never seen before and climate change joining hands,technological developments have become crucial to achieving decarbonization. Onthe other hand, our principal fossil energy sources are expiring, so there hasbeen an increasing demand, and humanity is forced towards renewa…

The hydrogen colour spectrum - based on its production methods
Although hydrogen gas is colourless, it has been labeled under different colours based on the method and the energy source used for its production. * Green hydrogen - Hydrogen produced from the splitting of water using renewable sources of energy. * Blue hydrogen - Hydrogen produced by reforming…

Re-Electrification Of Hydrogen:-Why? and How?
Due to heavy restrictions on the emission of greenhouse gases by governments,solar and wind would play a significant role in power production in the nearfuture, contributing to about 60% of power production by the year 2050. Whenwind and solar play a major role in renewable energy systems,

Prospects of Re-Electrifying Hydrogen in Gas Turbines
Global warming has increased the demand for a carbon-free economy which has ledhumanity in a rush to find alternatives for fossil fuels that are both equallyefficient and affordable. As a result, high interest is being shown indeveloping high-end technologies that enable power generation from sol…

Challenges of Re-Electrifying Hydrogen in Gas Turbines
Although hydrogen seems as a promising fuel for gas turbines, it always comeswith it’s own challenges. These challenges are primarily technological and hencecan be solved. These challenges can be mainly classified into two categories:technical challenges and market challenges. Market Challenges…

Is hydrogen an energy source or an energy carrier?
Hydrogen has been known for centuries now, but the one question that’s always confusing is if hydrogen is an energy source or an energy carrier. As straight answer hydrogen is both an energy carrier and an energy source. More precisely hydrogen is a primary energy source and a secondary energy

Ammonia as a hydrogen carrier
When the entire world agreed together in fighting climate change with thesigning of the Paris agreement, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO)also made strict regulations on the reduction of PM, SOx, and NOx emissions. TheIMO has hence decided to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases by…

Plasmalysis or plasma electrolysis simply refers to the production of hydrogen using plasma. During plasmalysis the plasma produced in the plasma…

When it comes to the conversion of solar to chemical energy the only processthat comes to our mind is photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by whichplants convert sunlight to various chemicals in the presence of a pigment calledchlorophyll. Similarly, we can convert solar energy directly…

Electrochemical Hydrogen Compression
It is well known that hydrogen has the largest energy density in terms of massand the least energy density in terms of volume, which means burning 1 kg ofhydrogen releases more energy compared to 1kg of diesel but burning 1m3 ofhydrogen will releases very small energy compared

Gas turbine fundamentals
Gas turbines have been in operation for decades now, and their evolution over the years has made it possible for the electrical efficiencies…

Life Of Lin
That Day-Life of Lin
That day as usual Lin took his bicycle and headed to work. It was so freezingand lin had already passed a few meters when he realised he had left his wintergloves at home. “Why is it so freezing today?” asked himself and took his Handyout to check